
Discipline : Agronomy

Discipline : Plant Protection

Importance of Soil test based fertilizer application in crops

IPM on Bt cotton

Methods of soil sampling including in problematic soils

Viral Disease management in Kharif pulses

Identification of various nutrient deficiencies in crops

IPDM in Kharif rice

Organic fertilizers – Key to soil health

Viral disease management in Vegetables

Bio fertilizers and their importance in rice and other crops

Viral diseases management in chilli

Importance of micronutrients in crops

IPM in mango

Composting and their importance

Pesticide equipments and its repair

Biofertilizers and their benefits in crop production

  IPDM on Major crops

Discipline : Horticulture

Discipline : Agril. Extension

Significance of soil test based nutrient application in horticulture crops

Integrated crop production in chilli

Integrated crop production technology in Turmeric

Contingent crop planning under drought situation

Integrated crop production technology in Tomato

Farm mechanization in growing rice and pulses

Integrated crop production technology in cucurbits

Efficient water management practices in Rice, Cotton and Maize

Management of Micronutrient deficiencies in Horticulture crops

Best management in Maize and Pulses

Integrated crop production technology in chilli

Use of electronic tools in transfer of technology

Value addition to horticulture produce

Self employment opportunities for rural youth

Off-season  cultivation of flowers and vegetable

Identification and management of micro nutrient deficiencies in Field crops

Integrated weed management in field and horticulture crops

Discipline :  Veterinary Science

Discipline :  Home Science


Summer Management of Buffaloes

Value addition to finger millet

Package of Practices of Forage Crops

Reproductive and child health education to the adolescent girls

Use of Area Specific Mineral Mixture and TMR in Buffaloes Hiefers for better Heat Symptoms

Value addition to fruits and vegetables

Scientific Feeding of Sheep 

Training on vermi compost preparation

Importance in use of Mineral Mixture and Deworming in Swine/Pig

Preparation of natural herbal bath, henna and curry leaf powders

Rearing of Improved Poultry on Scientific Lines

Mushroom cultivation

Silage making–Pit and Bag Methods

Importance of Nutrigarden

Importance of balanced diet for pregnant & lactating mother.

Improving learning environment of anganwadies through play way method

Value addition to finger millets and foxtail millet

Life skills education to the adolescent girls