Sl. No.



Crop Production


Assessment of natural farming module paddy for maintaining soil health and sustainable yields

T1- APCNF Protocol

Seed treatment with Beejamrutham,

100 kg FYM + 100 kg Ghanajeevamrutham per acre, Jeevamrutham @ 200 L/acre as spray covering both soil and crop or soil application as drenching from 15 DAS till 15 days before harvesting, which ever is feasible at 15 days interval, manual weeding, Use of Neemasthram, Agniasthram, Bramhastram for pest control and sour butter milk  for disease control

T2- Nutrient package: Green manure with Dhiancha @ 15 kg per acre and in situ  incorporation at 50% flowering, FYM@ 4 t/acre, Azospirillum, PSB and KRB @ 2 kg/acre each along with 100 kg FYM at the time of planting, neem cake@ 200kg/acre or vermicompost @ 500 kg /acre  at tillering and PI stage   

Pest management practices: Application of Pseudomonos fluorescence spray @10g/lit, Azadirectin 1500 ppm at nursery and 10 and 25 DAT @ 5 ml/L, Trichogramma japonicum (Trichocards) @ 40,000/acre/release, erection of bird perches @20 per acre, installation of pheromone traps @8 per acre, formation of alleyways, alternate wetting and drying and NSKE (neem seed kernel extract) 1500ppm

 T3-Farmers practice(150:120:0-30 Kg NPK/ha)


Assessment on nitrogen management through leaf colour chart (LCC) in Maize

T1  -  Nitrogen (N) management through Leaf colour chart (LCC)

T2 -    Soil test based Nitrogen management

T3-    Farmers practice (120-60-00)


Assessment of Integrated use of VAM and ZnSO4 on ‘P’ Nutrition and Performance of Redgram in High Phosphorus  Soils

T1:- 25 kg  P2O5/ha + 20 kg ZnSO4/ha + VAM 12.5 kg/ha

T2 – RDF (20 N + 50 P205)

FP-    Farmers practice (DAP and Using complex fertilizers only).

Plant Protection


Assessment of bio-intensive management of BPH in organic rice

T1- For BPH formation of alleyways

           alternate wetting and drying

           5%NSKE (Neem seed kernel extract), Tutu kadakashayam (Coumarins – Anti feedent and anti larval activity) and Metarhizium rileyi 2g/lit.

T2-.Chemical based management: need based application of insecticides acephate 1.5g/lit or buprofezin 25% SC 1.6ml/lit or pymetrozin 0.6g/lit

T3-indiscriminate use of insecticides (pexalon 0.48ml/lit).


Assessment of methyl eugenol traps for the management of guava and mango fruit fly.

T1- Remove and destruction of infected and fallen fruits.

Ø  Regular ploughing of the soil in the basin to destroy the pupal stage.

Ø  Ethyl alcohol 60ml + methyl eugenol 40ml+malathion 20 ml

Ø  Wrapping of fruits.

T2-. Methyl eugenol 2ml + malathion 2ml+1 litre water + soaked fly wood pieces.

Ø  If incidence is more arrangement of  100 g jaggery + 5ml malathion bait in different places of garden.

T3-Farmers Practice.


Assessment of integrated management of pod borer complex and SMD pigeonpea.

T1: Seed treatment with imidacloprid @  5g/kg seed and rhizobium @ 10g/kg seed.

Ø   Application of wettable sulphur @ 5g/litre or dicofol 5ml/litre at 35-40 DAS, followed by application of propergite @ 2ml/litre at 60-65 DAS.

Ø  Application of neem oil/azadirachtin 1500 ppm @ 5ml/litre at flower bud initiation stage.

Ø  Application of Bt.kurstaki at 50% flowering, followed by chlorantraniliprole @ 0.3ml/lit or thiachloprid @ 0.7 ml/lit or cypermethrin @ 0.4 ml/lit.

T2: Roughing out infected plants upto 40 days after sowing; spraying with fenazaquin 10% EC @              200         ml/are after appearance of the disease and if necessary repeat after 15 days   against mites.

Ø  Spray any one of the following insectcides for pod borer management:

Emamectin benzoate 5% SG 0.4 g/lt or indoxacarb 15.8% SC @ 1 ml per litre or chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 0.3 ml per litre or spinosad 45%SC 0.3 ml per litre.

T3 - Farmers’ practice



Assessment of performance of CREMIT technology for the management of cotton pink boll worm.

T1: Fist application at 30-35 DAS, before square formation.

Ø  Second application at 30-35 days after first application.

Ø  Continue to apply at every 30-35 days interval until the crop harvest.

Ø  Dosage : 125 g/acre.

Ø  No of application points: 400 plants.

Ø  Place of application: 10cm bellow the growing point.

Ø  Installation of pheromone traps @5/acre.

T2: Removal of  weeds.

Ø  Installation of pheromone traps @5/acre

Ø   Spraying of 5% NSKE at 45 DAS,

Ø  Spraying of chloripyriphos 2.5ml/lit or quinolphos 2ml/lit at 75, 90, 105 and 115 DAS.

Ø  Spraying of lambdacyhalothrin 5 EC  or cypermethrin 5 EC 1 ml/lit at 125 DAS.


T3: FP: Farmer’s practice–indiscriminate use of insecticides.



Assessment of performance of Dolichos bean Arka Amogh

T1: Arka Amogh

T2:Arka Jay

T3:FP- Ganesh (0.1 ha./ location)


Assessment of YVMV resistantokra variety Kashi Chaman performance in NTR district of Andhra Pradesh

T1: Kashi Chaman

 T2: Punjab Suhawani

 T3: Farmers practice        0.1  ha per location


Assessment of marigold hybrids Arka Abhi and Arka Bhanu in NTR district of Andhra Pradesh.

T1: Arka Abhi

T2: Arka Bhanu

T3: Farmers practice            0.1  ha per location


Assessment of Chilli hybrid Arka Yashasvi against local hybrids

T1: Arka Yashasvi

T2: Mahyco Yashaswini

T3:Farmers practice                                    (0.1 ha./ location)

Veterinary Science


Assessment of SFMT reagent for management of sub-clinical mastitis

T1: Testing of milk with SFMT reagent

a)       Pre washing of udder with potassium permanganate

b)       Post washing of udder with 1%Povidone idoine + 10%glycerine

If found positive; Pow. Trisodium citrate-30g/day for 1-2 weeks (based on subclinical form)

T2: Testing of milk samples with TANUCHEK SCC kit

T3: No preventive measures and disease is diagnosed at late stage-clinical stage


Assessment of Hedge Lucerne and Co FS 31 in Mango Orchads for effective land utilization

T1: Hedge Lucerne as Intercrop in Mango Orchads.

T2 :Co FS 31 as Intercrop in Mango Orchads.

T3: Fodder as a sole crop


Assessment of Ovsynch Protocol for Fertility Management in Buffaloes

T1:Ovsynch Protocol

T2: Mineral Mixture

T3: Bengal gram and jaggery


Assessment of Herbal Acaricide in Large Ruminants

T1:Herbal Acaricide

T2: Chemical Acaricide

T3: Camphor

Home Science


Dehydration of vegetables and fruits through different drying techniques.

T1 : Solar cabinet dryer

T2: Electrical drying

T3: Open sun drying (Farmers Practice)


Assessment of millet based breakfast mixes

T1- Jowar ravva mix (Jowar ravva mix 100%)

T2-Jowar+Wheat ravva ready mix (Jowar ravva (50%)+ Wheat ravva (50%)

FP- Wheat ravva mix (Wheat ravva mix 100%)


Antioxidant rich Millet based Nutribars

T1 = Antioxidant rich millet bars (Source: ANGRAU, 2023)

T2 = Millet Nutribars (Source: IIMR)

T3 = Locally available nutribars /energy bars)


Whey-Fruit juice probiotic beverages

T1 = Whey – Fruit juice (locally available) based beverage

T2 = Whey – Apple juice beverage (source: ANGRAU, 2022)

T3 = Local Milk based beverages

Extension Studies


Study on consumption pattern of millets in rural and urban families of  NTR  district (Home Science)


Study on status of women led Agri entrepreneurs in NTR district (Home Science)


Impact of Agromet Advisory Services of DAMU Project in NTR District of Andhra Pradesh (Agril Extension)


A study on Impact of technology interventions of KVK in NTR  district of Andhra Pradesh (Agril Extension)


Critical analysis of Farmer Producer Organizations in NTR District of Andhra Pradesh (Agril Extension)